As a marketplace, all items are shipped to you directly by our brands, using tracked delivery. If you have purchased multiple items from different brands at the same time, each item will be sent separately.
Many of our brands offer free domestic shipping (or free over a certain spend limit).
Some offer free international shipping depending on your location and / or order value.
Where this isn’t the case, the majority of orders will have shipping costs no higher than the following:
UK Brands |
US Brands |
EU Brands |
UK Customers |
£5.95 |
£10 |
£6 |
US Customers |
£10 |
£6 |
£10 |
EU Customers |
£5.95 |
£10 |
£6 |
Canada & Rest of World shipping costs differ by brand and by country.
Please note: your shipping costs will always be visible at checkout, prior to payment.
Our brands usually dispatch items within 1–2 days of your order. Shipping can take between 3–10 days depending on where you are based and where the brand is based. See our Delivery page for full details.
If you have any questions or issues with delivery of your item, please contact us at
You have 14 days to request a return from your delivery date.
You’ll then have a further 14 days from the day that we provide you with return instructions to post your order.
Please note that you are responsible for the costs of returning an item, unless the brand offers free or subsidised returns. This will be stated in the green box at the top of this page. Return costs will vary depending on the brand's location in relation to yours. The brand's country is also stated in the green box.
See our Returns page for full details.
To return an item, please submit your return request here.